Sunday, June 24, 2012

TdH: Youth Visit to India

Studio 33 is regularly involved with a variety of activities that take the team around Karnataka and India.

In May 2012, Studio 33 traveled with a group of students from Luxembourg as part of their Terre des Homme exchange program which saw them traveling around Karnataka and Maharashtra, and interacting with children from all walks of life.

One must really appreciate the effort taken by the foundation and the students who took up the challenge of discovering a new and vibrant culture. After all, it can't be an easy thing to plunge into a country where the language is different and there are such a host of varying cultures

One can never truly understand a culture until they have really seen it in person. An experience is not really an experience if it is through a screen or a book.

So what about you? Would you have signed up for a program like this?

If you are an Indian, have you managed to scratch the surface of India? Have you traveled around India or abroad? What was your experience and has it had an impact on you?

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