Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 2: The team that queues together, sticks together!

Avinash hard at work.
And just like that, another Friday has rolled around! My week began with a jaunt behind the scenes of a corporate shoot. With my camera in tow, I documented Sid and Avinash in action. Sid cheerfully instructed the client: “Three, two, one, energy UP, action!” Count on Sid to inspire energy from most any client. I’m fairly certain that if he really needed to, he could convince our office dog, Bailey, to deliver a proper voice-over. Avinash, the man delivering the vision, quietly and expertly works the cameras. He also makes a mean cup of coffee back at the office.

Subhankar - our hero of the week!
Our motion graphics wiz, Subhankar, deserves a trophy (or two) for his hard work this week. Subhankar sits to my right in the office, and I often find myself looking at his computer screen in absolute confusion and awe. Animation is not easy, my friends… and this guy really knows how to do it. Subhankar has been forging through some large projects this week with admirable zeal and patience. I’ve attempted to serve as team cheerleader during this time, but, it’s become clear that unless I become a motion graphics expert overnight, my “Minnesota nice” cheering is fairly unhelpful.

My second full week with Studio 33 is coming to an end, and while it’s challenging to explain the character of this team – I think one story just about captures it.  In India, certain schools provide higher quality education than others. In order to insure the best possible education for their children, parents will stand in line for hours just to get the form to apply for school. Well, the time has come for Subhankar’s 4.5 year old daughter, Upasana to start school. Originally, he was going to have to take off today to queue, which would have been a challenge with his current workload. But, in classic Studio 33 fashion, we are all taking turns queuing. We’ve been joking that Upsana has quite the assorted batch of parents. Teamwork at its finest!

I've included photos from the experience below. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful weekend!

Tanya and Ajay take their turn in the queue.

The line - amazing the lengths parents go to for their child's education!

Exercising team parental duties.

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